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Secure Multiple Web Apps Using Different IdPs

About 4 min

Enable SSO for Multiple Applications with Different Identity Providers


In this tutorial, we will use the Datawiza Access Proxy (DAP) to enable SSO for two Flask applications serving static HTML. For our scenario, one web app will be the homepage for the managers of our company, while the other web app will be the homepage for the engineers. The goal of this tutorial is to see how we can add multiple applications to a single deployment within the Datawiza Cloud Management Console (DCMC), and how we can associate different Identity Providers to each of our applications.

  • Both of our applications will be running on our local docker network, The manager homepage will run on and the engineer homepage will be on
  • The DAP will run on localhost in a container and expose two ports: 9772 and 9773. Traffic to either of our applications will reach DAP first and then be proxied to our applications. Traffic to localhost:9772 will be proxied to and traffic to localhost:9773 will be proxied to

Part I: Identity Provider Configuration

You will need to register each application with an Identity Provider. For this exercise, we will register the app for the managers with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) and the app for the engineers with Okta. Please follow IdP Configuration Guide: Microsoft Entra ID and IdP Configuration Guide: Okta for specific configuration instructions.

Part II: Create Deployment and Applications on Datawiza Cloud Management Console (DCMC)

After configuring your desired Identity Provider, we need to create a new deployment on the DCMC which will contain our two applications. We will also generate a keypair (PROVISIONING_KEY, PROVISIONING_SECRET) in order for the DAP to get the latest configurations and policies from the DCMC.

Sign Into DCMC

  1. Login to the DCMCopen in new window.

Multi Web App SSO | DCMC login

Create New Deployment

  1. Click the orange button Getting started and specify a Name and a Description. Click Save. Multi Web App SSO | New deploymentMulti Web App SSO | New deployment

Add Manager Application

Configure our application for the managers with the following fields:

  • App Type: Web
  • Name: Manager App
  • Application URL: http://localhost:9772
  • Listen Port: 9772
  • Upstream Servers:
  • Select Next.

Multi Web App SSO | Add Manager App

IdP Configuration

  1. Choose Microsoft Entra ID from the drop down menu. We'll add Microsoft Entra ID first, and then add Okta as an additional IdP later.

Populate the fields of the form with the keys/values obtained from IdP Configuration Guide: Microsoft Entra ID. Multi Web App SSO | Choose Microsoft Entra ID IdP Alternatively, you can use One Click Integration to configure the Microsoft Entra ID. Multi Web App SSO | Choose Microsoft Entra ID IdP

Note Down Provisioning Keys

Note down your PROVISIONING_KEY and PROVISIONING_SECRET. We will need these values later when deploying the DAP.

Multi Web App SSO | Obtain Provisioning Key

Add Engineer Application

  1. Select the Applications tab. Select the orange button Create Application. You should already see Manager App in the deployment.

Multi Web App SSO | New application

  1. Configure our application for the engineers with the following fields:
  • App Type: Web
  • Name: Engineer App
  • Application URL: http://localhost:9773
  • Listen Port: 9773
  • Upstream Servers:
  • Select Create.

Multi Web App SSO | Add Engineer App

You should now see both the Manager App and the Engineer App within the deployment.

Multi Web App SSO | Application configured

Assigning IdPs to our Applications

  1. Return to the Applications tab. Select the Engineer App, and go to IdP Configuration. Select Assign IdP. From the drop down menu, you should see the IdPs that we have added to the DCMC. Assign Microsoft Entra ID to the Manager App and Okta to the Engineer App.

Multi Web App SSO | Assign IdP

Part III: Run DAP With Our Applications

We can use either docker or docker-compose to run the DAP. The following is an example of a docker-compose.yml file. You may need to login to our container registry to download the images of the Access Proxy. See Step3: Congifure DAP and SSO Integration for more details.

version: '3'

    # Using the latest image
    container_name: datawiza-access-proxy
    restart: always
      - "9772:9772"
      - "9773:9773"
      PROVISIONING_KEY: #########################
      PROVISIONING_SECRET: #########################

After executing docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up, Manager App should have SSO enabled with Microsoft Entra ID. Open a browser and visit http://localhost:9772/. You should see the Microsoft Entra ID login page as follows:

Multi Web App SSO | Microsoft Entra ID login

If you are seeing the Microsoft Entra ID login page but are unable to login (Microsoft keeps asking for your username and password repeatedly), ensure that you have created a user for your AD domain. Logging in with the root account will not work. Your username should be in the form of Note that if you are already logged into Microsoft Entra ID in your browser, you may need to logout to see the login page.

After successfully logging in, we can see our manager homepage:

Multi Web App SSO | Manager homepage

To test out the engineer homepage, we visit http://localhost:9773. We are greeted with the following Okta login page:

Multi Web App SSO | Okta login

After successfully logging in, we can see our engineer homepage:

Multi Web App SSO | Engineer homepage


In summary, we have seen how to deploy the DAP and implement SSO alongside multiple applications, each using different identity providers. Please refer to Step4: Pass User Attributes and Step5: Achieve Granular Access Control to interact with the other features provided by the Datawiza Access Proxy.