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Datawiza Access-Proxy WordPress Integration

About 4 min


This tutorial shows how to enable SSO and MFA for an WordPress application via Datawiza.

The benefits of integrating applications with SSO via Datawiza includes:

  • Quick Implementation: Datawiza can typically be deployed in minutes by few clicks, without the need for code changes.
  • Multi-Tenant SSO Integration: Integrate with any identity providers including Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD), Okta, Ping, Cisco Duo, IDCS, Google Workspace and others via OpenID Connect (OIDC), OAuth, SAML, LDAP.
  • Patch-Free Solution: No patches or additional installations on your existing applications. Simply run our container on a separate server for an easy and seamless integration.
  • single control plane: A single control plane, Datawiza Cloud Manage Consoleopen in new window, to manage access to applications in public clouds and on-premise.


In this demo, we are using Okta as our identity provider, but you can replace it with any other Identity Provider as you want. We have a WordPress running in docker on port 8081: http://{your_WordPress_url}:8081. And the docker-compose.yml is like:

version: '3.1'
    image: wordpress
      - db
      - 8081:80
      WORDPRESS_DB_USER: exampleuser
      WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD: examplepass
      WORDPRESS_DB_NAME: exampledb
      - wordpress:/var/www/html

    image: mysql:5.7
    restart: always
      MYSQL_DATABASE: exampledb
      MYSQL_USER: exampleuser
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: examplepass
      - db:/var/lib/mysql


Let's walk through deploying Datawiza Access-Proxy (DAP) and enabling SSO for WordPress, step by step. Before we begin, let's ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:


Prior Datawiza Access Proxy experience isn't necessary, but you need:

Configure Datawiza Cloud Management Console (DCMC)

  1. Sign in to Datawiza Cloud Management Consoleopen in new window.

  2. The Welcome page appears.

  3. Select the orange Getting started button. WordPress SSO and MFA | Getting Started

  4. In the Name and Description fields, enter the relevant information.

  5. Select Next. WordPress SSO and MFA | Create a New Deployment

  6. On the Add Application dialog, use the following values:

    App NameEnter a unique application name.
    Public DomainFor example: For testing, you can use localhost DNS. If you aren't deploying DAP behind a load balancer, use the Public Domain with the port.
    SSLCheck the Enable SSL and use datawiza self-signed certificate checkbox for testing if you are using SSL. For production, you can upload your own certificates.
    Listen PortThe port that DAP listens on. I use 443.
    Upstream ServersThe WordPress implementation URL and port to be protected. In this demo, it would be http://wordpress:80.

    WordPress SSO and MFA | Create a New Application

  7. Select Next.

  8. On the Configure IdP dialog, enter the relevant information.

  9. Input the IdP name. Select OIDC as Protocol and Okta as Identity Provider. Populate the fields of the form with the keys/values obtained from IdP Configuration Guide: Okta. Okta SSO and MFA | Create a New Okta IdP

  10. Select Create.

Install and run Datawiza Access Proxy

Once clicking on the Create button, the basic configuration on the management console is finished. You will see the final step of the guide, which presents you with a page showing the simple steps to deploy Datawiza Access Proxy (DAP) with your application. Note down the commands for your deployment. The first command will download Docker and Datawiza Access Proxy image, and the second command will create a Docker Compose file and run Datawiza Access Proxy. You can refer to Install and Run Datawiza Access Proxy by command for more information.

DAP Docker Compose File

Update WordPress Address

Meanwhile, we need to change WordPress configuration. Please keep the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) the same as the Public Domain you've configured in DCMC:

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress configuration

Now if you visit WordPress through the public domain, you will be redirected to Okta login page.

Delegate the Authentication to DAP

After login Okta, the follow page will be shown:

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress page

If you go to, you will be redirected to WordPress login page. To enable single sign-on for accessing the admin portal, a few additional configurations are necessary.

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress page
With WordPress plugin Datawiza Proxy Auth Plugin - SSOopen in new window, here is a way to delegate the authentication to DAP:

Install Plugin in WordPress

Click Plugins and then click Add New.

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress plugin configuration

Search for datawiza and click Install Now:

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress plugin configuration

Activate it:

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress plugin configuration

In Settings >> Datawiza Proxy Auth, input your Private Secret and save changes. If you use the plugin with DAP, the private secret should be the PROVISIONING_SECRET in your docker-compose file.

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress plugin configuration


If the secret is wrong, you may see the error notification:

Proxy Auth Plugin cannot verify JWT token. Please double check your JWT token's private secret is configured correctly

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress error notification

Add New Attribute Pass

Now we need to go back to DCMC and add email and role in Attribute Pass for the plugin. The email field is necessary, but role is optional.

WordPress SSO and MFA | DCMC attribute pass


Failure to configure the attributes correctly may prompt an error notification:

Proxy Auth Plugin expects email attribute to identify user, but it does not exist in JWT token. Please check your reverse proxy configuration

To resolve this, you can verify if the email account exists within the WordPress accounts. Alternatively, feel free to contact us at for assistance in debugging.

WordPress SSO and MFA | wordpress error notification


  • If admin doesn’t assign role to the user, user’s role will be subscriber by default.
  • If you've configured the attribute pass role and the user's role gets updated in Okta, the plugin will automatically synchronize and update the corresponding role in WordPress.

(Optional) SSL Configuration

  1. By default, when you set up this application, it will use the Datawiza self-sign certificate, but you still have the chance to replace it with your own certificate. Select the Advanced tab. Click the edit button, then upload your own certificate. Enable SSLUpload self-signed Cert
  2. Select Save.

Test a WordPress application

To confirm that WordPress application access occurs correctly, access the new WordPress URL in the browser. A prompt appears to use an Okta account for sign-in. Credentials are checked and the WordPress home page appears. If you go to, you will find the admin portal displayed without the need to input admin credentials, thanks to the single sign-on configuration.

Next steps