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Microsoft Azure AD B2C

About 2 min

Microsoft Azure AD B2C Configuration

This session shows how to register a web application and configure a Sign up and sign in user flow on Microsoft portal. When walking through this tutorial, we need to obtain the following values that are needed for later configuration in Datawiza Cloud Management Console (DCMC):

  • B2C Domain
  • Tenant ID
  • User Flow Name
  • Application (client) ID
  • Client Secret


We assume that you have already created an Azure AD B2C resource and an Azure AD B2C tenant. Follow Tutorial: Create an Azure Active Directory B2C tenantopen in new window for more details.

Register an Application

  1. Select Azure AD B2C in portal home page: Azure AD B2C SSO

  2. Select App registrations and click New registration: Azure AD B2C SSO | app Note that the is the B2C Domain we needed.

  3. Input the Name, select Web as the platform, and input Redirect URI, e.g., http://localhost:9772/datawiza/authorization-code/callback.
    Leave the rest of the fields as their default values, and then click Register: Azure AD B2C SSO | app

  4. Save the Application(client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID: Azure AD B2C SSO | app

  5. Add and save the new client secret: Azure AD B2C SSO | app

Configure a User Flow

  1. Select User flows and click New user flow: Azure AD B2C SSO | user flow

  2. Select Sign up and sign in as user flow type, Recommended as Version, click Create: Azure AD B2C SSO | user flow

  3. Input the Name, select Email signup as Identity providers and select the User attributes and claims, click Create.
    The User Flow Name we needed is B2C_1_docExample in this example.
    For testing purposes, we select all attributes and claims about email, first name and last name: Azure AD B2C SSO | user flow

  4. Select the user flow we created, change the Issuer(iss) claim in Properties, then click Save: Azure AD B2C SSO | user flow


We have shown how to register a web application on Azure AD B2C and configure a Sign up and sign in user flow. Make sure to save the following values for configuration within the Datawiza Cloud Management Console.

  • B2C Domain
  • Tenant ID
  • User Flow Name
  • Application (client) ID
  • Client Secret


Tutorial: Create an Azure Active Directory B2C tenantopen in new window
Tutorial: Register a web application in Azure Active Directory B2Copen in new windowTutorial: Create user flows in Azure Active Directory B2Copen in new window